Photos, Videos & Cinematography
Incredible Group captures stunning photos and 4K Raw (Ultra High Definition) cinema-quality video by helicopter, using the Skybox aerial camera system. 4K is four times higher resolution than High Definition and shooting Raw video provides more flexibility creatively, in post-production.
Pricing isn’t sky-high, as advances in aerial imaging technology mean Incredible Group can shoot for as little as 10% of the cost of using traditional stabilised helicopter systems. All pricing includes image delivery, storage and professional, in-house photo retouching.
Skybox 360° Aerial Videography
Skybox maximises image quality, allows for smooth, unrestricted movement of gimbals* and the anti-reflective lens glass rotates in sync with gimbals, for full 360° panning and tilting. A live HD video feed is available for the helicopter pilot, and for clients to watch remotely.
The innovative Skybox camera enclosure, powerful DJI drone gimbals and heavy-duty gyroscopic stabilisation completely isolate cameras from heavy vibration, wind and high airspeeds. This allows gimbals to operate flawlessly throughout a helicopter flight.
(*Gimbal: camera support system with sophisticated motion detection)
Helicopter vs Drone
For some projects a helicopter is best. E.g. for distance, speed, height, accessibility, and/or regulatory requirements.
Helicopters can fly higher and longer – helpful when shooting large properties and capturing panoramic footage of large areas – e.g. cities, events.
Shoot location flexibility: helicopters can shoot multiple aerial shots across different locations.

Cost-effective Heli Photography, Videography & Cinematography.
We’re on call 24/7 & never miss a deadline!
- Aerial specialists - 20+ years’ experience
- Cinema-quality 4K Raw (UHD) Video
- Skybox 360°Aerial Camera System
- $10M Public Liability Insurance
- Full Aviation Insurance